Session structure

Counselling sessions run for 1 hour each.
It is requested that clients rebook at the end of their session to assist with treatment planning and to ensure the desired booking time is available.
We do offer both telehealth  and face to face appointments. 
See FAQ’s

Fees & Payments

Counselling sessions fees are $100 per 1 hour session.

50% of the session fee is payable on booking, and the remaining 50% is to be paid at the end of your session. 

Payments can be made by cash or direct deposit.
Direct deposits can be made to: 
  • Bank: Beyond Bank 
  • Account Name: KM Marshall 
  • BSB: 325185 
  • Account Number: 04031439 
If you wish to change or cancel your appointment please give at least 48 hours notice by calling 0482 012 258. 
If less than 48 hours notice is given, cancellations/appointment changes will attract a 50% cancellation fee. 
If less than 24 hours notice is given, cancellations/appointment changes will attract a 100% cancellation fee.

Managing your information

During sessions I will, with your permission, take notes to keep track of our goals and progress together.
Any hard copy notes, records or correspondence from other practitioners will be stored in a locked filing cabinet which can only be accessed by myself as your counsellor. Computer records/files/correspondence will also be kept securely to prevent loss or security breaches. 
All notes will be held securely until 7 years after your final appointment with this service. After this time they will be securely destroyed in accordance with all relevant laws and ethical requirements.  
Should you wish to view a summary of your notes, you may submit a request in writing to, and this will be provided to you at the earliest opportunity.
All communication between my clients and I, whether verbal or written, will be treated with utmost confidentiality. This includes counselling sessions, notes, reports, and other personal information.
On some occasions I may need to discuss your case with my clinical supervisor, but in this instance, no details identifying you will be disclosed to them. Under certain circumstances I may have a duty of care to break confidentiality.
These circumstances include:
  • If I have reasonable cause to believe that a client poses a risk to their safety or the safety of others. 
  • If I am under a legal order to disclose information. 
  • In cases where consultation with other parties or agencies is requested and the client has agreed and provided written consent.
Further information on confidentiality and privacy is available in the Serenity Counselling confidentiality policy, available here.

Concluding Counselling

Counselling is intended to be, in most cases, a finite process where goals are set, worked towards, and achieved. At the end of this cycle, you will have the choice to either set new goals or conclude treatment altogether. 
You will also have the right to conclude counselling treatment at any time, but if you wish to discontinue working sessions, please provide at least 48 hours notice by phone or email. 
If at any point I feel that this service is no longer appropriate for your needs, I will discuss this with you. Where necessary, and, with your permission,  I will refer you to another service. 
If you would like to be referred to another service, either in addition to, or instead of working with Kate, a referral can be written, and your records shared at your request.