Kate is a certified prescriber for This Way Up programs, a suite of evidence-based, internet-delivered Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (iCBT) programs, which are designed to support the effectiveness of clients face-to-face counselling sessions.
The This Way Up Programs were developed by world-leading researchers and clinicians from St Vincent’s Hospital in New South Wales, and UNSW. The secure, purpose-built online platform supports mental health professionals in using iCBT with their clients to improve outcomes.
There are a range of programs tackling issues such as anxiety, depression, stress management, insomnia and more. These programs, in conjunction with your regular counselling sessions, are backed by a wealth of clinical research showing that at least 80% of people who complete a program will benefit substantially.
The cost of This Way Up programs is usually $59, but this cost is waived when prescribed by Kate as part of your ongoing therapy. If you are interested in trying iCBT, speak with Kate to find out which program might be right for you.